Look out the window, into the dark greys of buildings

Gaze some more, to see those gloomy shades

Many different shapes fill this bustling city

Yet, what if I told you there were other various forms of happiness,

unlike the rising of social media which claims a person

until it is their only constant thought, worry or more


There is another world out there, just existing in “peace”

This world of beauty, however much bloodshed there may be

For food or mating partner, a place to live it might be 

This arena or paradise in question is 

where this world's breathtaking fauna and flora reside

This amazing yet gruesome world survives just barely 


You might be happy, filled with joy and life to see a lively convention

Yet this world might not survive

Rainforests and such, grasslands or more

Even the tiniest little shrubs might die out and leave Earth in devastation


We make way with big bulldozers, clearing land for parking lots 

Leaving animals' food chains in shatters, ensuring our own demise

So before the problem called climate change is stretched further

Help us revive this once amazing and beautiful paradise

Before the problem becomes the death of us all