The grass swishes and sways.
The trees leaves flutter.
Bushes dance to the melody of the forest.
Mushrooms in all shades of red surround 
the stems of trees, where thousands of different 
plants, herbs, flowers shelter all types
of critters. 
The little deer, sunshine glowing on its fur
follows its mother. The flowers show off their beautiful colours.
It is silent. Only the sounds of nature can be heard.
Trees and land make way for the river, flowing and filled
with fish and lily pads. Croaking frogs and cicadas could be 
heard from the distance, joining the melody.
Everything is happy. Everything is at peace.
Then loud rumbling can be heard from the distance.
What is going on? Trees fall, tens at a time.
Grass turns flat, greasy marks left behind on it.
Humans can be seen, controlling huge monsters.
Family is lost. Rivers are polluted. Land has been taken over.
And it’s all because of mankind