On the fragile limbs of the old Jacaranda tree,
A whistling Willie Wagtail darts wild as can be.
His tormentor, the Sparrowhawk, shan’t be moved along,
A chorus of Kookaburras laugh their famous song.

The awakening peach tree begins her blossoming,
Leafless through winter, she signals the coming of spring.
Dainty buds begin to burst into soft blush pink hue,
Myriads of pastel blooms follow the first brave few.

The Moonlight Grevillea dances elegantly in the breeze,
Her spiderlike flowers will soon be buzzing with bees.
Fighting the August winds, her foundation grows strong,
Her resilience will lead to a life that is long.

The Kangaroo Paw parades her deep burgundy shades,
Now she flourishes, while winter’s wondrous Wattle fades.
The Hardenbergia heralds her purple displays,
Time has come to bid farewell to our dear winter days.