Amidst the gentle flow of the Swan River's tide,

A call for help echoes far and wide,

Pollution and waste choking the life within,

A crisis unfolding, a battle to begin.


The swans, once graceful, now struggle to survive,

As humans disregard the river's plea to thrive,

The water murky, the air thick with despair,

A once beautiful landscape now in disrepair.


But hope springs eternal, a chance to heal,

To restore the river's once pristine appeal,

To rally together, to fight for a cause,

To save the Swan River, with all our might and applause.


For the Swan River is not just a body of water,

It's a symbol of life, a home for flora and fauna,

Let's act with urgency, let's act with care,

Let's save the Swan River, let's show we're aware.