It’s dark blue water hugs me,
Every time I go near,
It’s splashing waves follow me,
Wherever I go'
It’s a fresh breath of air,
As I walk towards it,
I feel and hear the sand crunch,
Beneath my feet,
I begin to run towards,
It’s white foamy water,
And it's waves like open doors,
As it welcomes you in,
I feel it’s cold wind’
Somehow warmed my face,
As I am welcomed home.

I dive underneath it,
Letting it enclose me, breaking free from its grasp,
For a breath of fresh air,
And quickly dive back under,
To feel it’s refreshing to hit,
Of a cool liquid,
On each fingertip.

So many things live in it,
Fish swim,
Dolphins play,
And the sharks hunt beneath the surface,
You are so much more than water,
You are a home,
For all the fish, turtles and coral,
Yet also for me,
As I also feel at home,
When I am along the border which divides us.

The rocks stop you,
And the cliff defaces you,
Yet you are still in charge,
And can send a wave towards the cliff,
And watch each rock fall from it,
You are devastating yet amazing.