The ode, a simple rhyming verse,

used to tell a story.

Or possibly a tale or curse,

most are nice, not gory.


An ode is an ocean, rough and wild, 

but with beauty beneath the waves.

Though the ode is mostly calm and mild,

you could fall down caverns and caves.


The ode is like a rotten fruit, 

old, but with new life within. 

A mouldy chest, within it, loot,

a heart of gold, a shell of tin.


An ode, a living breathing rhyme,

used to make humans happy.

Some about sweet things, some about lime,

some of them mourning, some sappy.


An ode, a simple rhyming verse,

and as this one comes to a close,

though it wasn’t a story, a tale or a curse,

I hope it takes away all your woes.