After a colourful and shiny summer,

Autumn takes place and creeps in.

When the leaves turn ruby, honey and curry,

when the mossy woods smell roasted mushrooms and wild boar stew,

then you know,

Autumn is here.


Autumn is like an orange blanket so colossal it could cover the world,

Listen carefully for the majestic roar of deer

and the cawing of crows,

The golden leaves crunch, crackle, and rustle under your feet,

Feel the smooth, coffee velvet of the mushroom,


the soften, emerald lichen on the old trunk,

the slate firewood smoke coming up from the narrow chimney,

all of those, makes us feel and realise,

what nature is.


But then...

when the wind howls and whistles in your ear

its brutal air bullies and shakes the pumpkin leaves,

as they begin to fall, fall, as gently as a snowflake...

the misty fog of the cold breeze settles and takes place

then you know that winter is coming...