Beloved Memories
By oleksandra B
Published 20 September 2017
Cherished memory
A click of a time in a rectangle
Memories when the world was huge
Hanging with grandad like a butterfly
Its life so free, flitting around the forest
Conversations a river flow
Cascading down, meandering bends and turning towards the sea
The crystal colour of the water
Mirrors his profound blue eyes
Remembering as I walked, everything felt so big and small
The feeling of his extensive girth
Soft as a giant pillow
Magical times when we had snowball fights, those fireworks at winter time
My mum has fallen in deep love with Australian guy
I was confused, all of the sudden we had to move
Unhappy day came by when I had so say goodbye
My chest felt like a bush fire, burning up from emotions
The tear came down from my eye as the last rain drop from the sky
I hugged my grandad for the last time, his girth felt like a giant pillow
I’m feeling sad until next time