Trees and green leaves,

animals looking for shade,

in the hot steamy forest trees,

Chop! Whack! I hear humans.

Humans! Swaying their big sharp axes,

making dents in trees animals running and hiding.

Animals' homes getting wrecked and baby animals looking for their parents.

Parents looking for them.

All animals watch as tree-choppers chop down trees.

Sad animals start leaving, trying to find a new home.

Somewhere safe for their cubs and babies.

As humans have finished what they have done to the trees and homes of ours

they start to pack up and as they leave they leave

all their disgusting food scraps and tree scraps behind.

Some animals come back and some go.

Animals' lost homes been destroyed and chopped down.

after a while, more people have come and gone taking animals with them,

losing their parents and babies,

builder humans come build houses for themselves being selfish of nature and animal lives,

turning homes into cities then streets, more people come more they destroy,

we have no home or forest it’s just turning into a humans dump,

everything is different,

everything has changed and everything is destroyed,

What can we do now?