By Anisha R
Published 25 August 2014
My green cheeked conure, Buddy
Adorable, cute and cuddly
With his little pink tongue and purple regal beak
Sits on the swing and pretends he’s king
But to me he is my best friend and buddy.
He is the master of all tricks
He jumps, he kicks, he mimics
He sleeps with us under the doona
And is toilet trained not to poop on the sheets
My best friend Buddy and all his tricks.
His favourite is all that is delicious and sweet
Sunflower seeds, apples and chocolate treats
He loves playing chase the ball
And he pretends he’s a dog, off he goes
My best friend Buddy who loves his treats.
Beautiful bird with rainbow wings
Squeaks whistles and sometimes sings
The things that make him special
Are his gentle nature and affectionate kisses
What a beautiful parrot, my best friend Buddy.