Kookaburras laugh – an early morning alarm

The reflection of the sun on the water, like a mirror, blinds me

The waves crash and cascade in musical melodies

Kids jump as they lock eyes on the park

Leaving imprints of their feet in the golden grains of sand


The swell washes over the rocks

Whales make their meandering migration north

Children scare away the famished seagulls,

Keeping their chips and hotdogs safe


As the moon rises, families leave in their vans


At night, mums do grocery shopping with babies in hand,

With all the kid’s whining, they could make a band


Teenagers run amuck in the streets,

Then run away

When security sees


Trees dance left and right

Jumping shadows cause them fright

Crashes of thunder fill our ears

Staring at the horizon

Till the sun appears.