Do you still remember?

The beautiful trees of nature,

the warm breeze everyone loves.

The clean water and green grass.

The sun creates homes for those in need.

No rubbish in sight. The fish dance around in the water with glee.


As we go back to the present we see an unpleasant sight.

Rubbish in the water, the fish are hidden, deep below the surface. Not only is their trash, ash is found everywhere you step. The old higher trees have flames and fire dancing and jumping from tree to tree. Before the forest was dark and scary but now the fire has turned it into a bright city.


When you look around the animals have left or are

hiding with fright. With their homes being destroyed

they can’t enjoy themselves anymore. They've either

gone to find a new home or are injured and still here in the forest.


The whole forest is covered with a toxic waste

and a hot fiery blanket. It’s such a shame that our forest is dying day by day. But for what cost?