Hot summer heat is the crown of them all,
A vast jungle tree begins to fall.
As the flames begin to smoulder the trees,
Smoke, fumes and flames force the animals to flee.

A cloud of pollution forces its way into the fight,
Leaving nothing but devastation to linger.
Coal, ash and sunder turn day to night,
The wildlife watches as their home battles away.

A place so barren,
Burns and crashes yet again.
Cinder filled clouds, gloom over the canny valley,
As nature's marvellous foundations watch their finale.

Agony and distress are all the plants now know,
As all they had worked for starts to go.
As we, the guilty, gather around
We start to realise how this will sound.

Death, destruction, all from our hands,
Our tropical wetlands so green and luscious.
Now called Badlands, so broken and scrawny,
I sometimes wonder if the trees, will ever tell their story.