As a cold toxic climate changing air fills a place the animals called home, 

On the still-grey background, a moment in time changes the vegetation around them,

An elegant flower starts to blow into the open air the cold open air,

The petals open like a lengthening body on a cold Saturday morning,

Years ago, this place was a habitat for animals and plants, but time is different now,

It blooms like a Parcasio painting on a still melancholy background.

Bright but pale colours change the place like it was so long ago, 

But this does not mean anything because climate change is getting worse each day.

Slowly getting more and more out of control.

But that was long ago, now we cannot ever turn back.

Climate change is going to whack them in the face so hard until they will realise.

Now the place we call nature is a waste land with no living life anymore.

Climate change is coming hard, so hard. 

Until we will be in the past, climate change is real and it is coming for us right now.

I will bloom until they will see.