Consume me
By Casey G
Published 16 August 2021
The ground consumes me, it
Licks at my skin as rocks pile on my chest.
I am shed of my clothes, my hair, my teeth
My form left engorged under foot
A peace rings in my ears as my mouth fills with dirt.
My lungs expand to accommodate the lush green
Of the grass slithering into my body -
And yet I can breathe clearly.
I feel the sweet caress of a lover beneath my chest
Feel nature’s fingers graze down my stomach,
Smoothing over ridges on my hips. Seeking and soothing
Each imperfection on my body and soul.
As she invades my space and my being
Her touches dissolve my pleasure and pain.
The pressure eases as I become one with her touch.
My head rests soundly on her lap as I fall.
At home in the ground with the dirt in my mouth
Surrounded by my presence in the earth
I feel so relieved of the pressure of the air.
How have I lived so long without her?