I feel free when I am one with nature,
A little bird once born in a manger,
I am a single leaf amongst the tree,
Nobody even cares to notice me,
Heaven both under our feet and over our heads,
I wish to stay here and so I pled,
But I wasn’t prepared for them to come,
I shouted out in pain and fled to my mum,
I had bruises resulting from a contusion
Trapped in my own sea of confusion
Trees tumbling towards the ground,
I screamed out loud, but my voice was drowned,
Drowned by the saw, drowned by the thumps, and drowned by the engines of the truck,
Once again, I was lost, confused on why they disrupt the nature,
They have to know that they must save her,
The birds’ songs have gone and so has the vegetation,
The trees have no padding to protect them from abrasion, *
Raise your fist and take a stand,
So, we can make sure that deforestation is forever banned