Her breath is sweating, as she pants muggy breaths,
The air chokes those trying to breathe, diminishing soul after soul.
Cracks materialise across her body, gaping impressions that crumble upon sight, engulfing each drop of moisture,
Taking away all she has worked for, tearing away pieces of her dream, until there is nothing left.

Her dead cells drift to the ground, flaking in red, orange, yellow,
Piling layer upon layer across her body, trailing to her feet, enveloping her surrounds.
Her skin is left as stoic, rigid shapes, that has lost her spirit,
Looking for hope, or perhaps a dream.
The ground weeps for her loss, she is seemingly 

Her hair catches in the wind, rumbling as it tumbles chaotically through the sky, cavernous black glinting between flashes of light.
Some would think she is enraged, but she feels hysterical, fighting for a lost dream that never seems to come.
She is waiting, for new life… For her own life.
In the depths of derangement.

Her fingertips hang dewdrops across the trees, as each step absorbs puddles, leaving pearls of light below.
A bird twitters in the distance, soaring between her locks, as colour blossoms upon her skin.
Her eyes provide a blinding twinkle enlightening all around her,
Bringing change and joyfulness she forgot existed, as she finally gets to bring forth her dream,
New life.

Her breath is sweating, as she pants muggy breaths …