Standing on the car, listening to the birds chirping

The grass swaying, the smell of the barbecue

Animals gliding across the land 

Smelling the essences of the grass flowing

Autumn's colour releasing its beauty 


The green leaves leaving the life of the tree 

As the branch comes to a new sprout

My dad looks at the sight of the valley

The sunshine glorifying the mountain's gullies

Each flow whistling to the tune of nature


The feeling of his touch on the tree

Eating each piece of meat with the seasoning of his love

Each step of the way he is always with me

The stump of the tree being the first person in our family 


With the sun coming to cease

And the birds flying over the setting sun

Hearing the crickets chirping and the owls hooting

For the next day when they explore the new land

My dad is a tall piece of grass

Like each person but being my dad