The transparent green animal circles my neck,
As if an eagle was targeting its prey,
A fleet of boats tracing around a marked island.
His spirit printed into a tablet dangling from my neck,
String chaining him to a still mountain,
Tonnes of weight pushing down on him.
He is trapped indefinitely with a face pale and stood as stone,
His depression thicker than steel bars that trap him in the darkness.
You can hear his countless sniffing,
You can see his curly tail wagging consecutively.
Millenniums of consciousness with nothing to do,
A void boredom feeling as bad as death,
His sadness brings even others to tears.
He takes every chance they have to try and break free,
Just to fail over and over again
He may be treated like trash,
But I will always respect him.
Dangling, dangling, dangling from my neck.
A jade tablet of an animal with a dying soul,
Its life permanently sealed.