It’s early in the morning and the birds are calling,
The wind is fresh and slightly calming.
The trees pass by, shedding their leaves,
The sun starts to rise as the moon takes its leave.
The pale blue sky makes us feel at ease,
The cold reflective water that brings us peace.
It’s nearly the time for the sun to shine,
The clouds float around with their own design.
The flowers in the ground starting to bloom,
They give off a scent similar to perfume.
The galahs swoop by while repeatedly singing,
The sky shines bright with natural lighting.
It’s the evening and the sky’s getting dark,
The sun’s starting to set and the night is ready to talk.
The wind gets fierce and rather strong,
The trees start to dance after not so long.
The moon comes out, shining so bright,
We’ll wait until tomorrow for the sun’s light.