mother country,                  forgotten tales standing.

Deep in our                                   deep lay


                                        of wattle trees,                       the     w h i s p e r s     of the past.

Deep in the heart                                     deep leads




Each rustle of the trees ends with stories           i n t e r t w i n i n g           with thieves.




                                   leaves the past,                             land is left with the     l a s t.

Deep in the roots                                 deep in their




In the broken kookaburra’s laugh, hear the  gnaws  of those                    s t o l e n .




                                             petals of waratahs,                          is shown.

Deep in the                                                            deep sorrow

                        h o l l o w                                        




In the shadows of gum trees,   hope grows, a brighter future is held.




                         mother country,                  forgotten tales standing.

Deep in our                                   deep lay