I am growing, leaves sprouting. My branches are longer. I can see the whole forest with my eyes. A breeze blew past my body. My leaves are singing a song among the wind. I then look in the distance, humans are walking toward me, and a giant yellow machine is right behind them. I panic, I cry, I am scared. That is what took my mum away. I look back down, I see a shiny metal thing reach out of the machine. My truck is ruined. I close my eyes and fall in pain. 

My kids are beautiful, especially this big tall tree. Standing tall, the leaves are so green, branches are huge. A magnificent river runs through my home. Everything looked the way I dreamed it. Then just at that moment, my favourite child fell. He is gone forever. My heart is in pain. the birds flew in the other direction, and my heart aches. The lovely environment is gone. Why is the outside world so evil? 

There in the middle of this forest, a gorgeous tree. This is a jackpot, I get my cutting machine, and my heart is racing. I am going to make loads of money. The blade slowly goes into the branches. My mouth slowly becomes a smile. I am laughing in happiness. BANG! The tree fell. The animals flew away. Now, which tree am I going to kill next?

In my home, my legs are standing on the branches. My feather is amazing and is starting to look better. This tree is my wonderland. I don't know what I'll do. My new baby eggs have been laid in my nest. I slowly close my eyes about to fall asleep. then a screeching noise goes through my ear. I'm frightened. I know what is going to happen now. But I don't care, I need to protect my children. The tree is tilting, everyone is telling me to fly and leave. But I can't, my babies are more important. I use my whole body and protected my mini self. I close my eyes but this time I wasn't going to fall asleep, it was forever. Why are humans so cruel?