Double Decker Bus
By Toby W
Published 20 September 2016
From the words of many singers
And the renowned streets of London
The double decker bus brings memories
Memories, so many childhood emotions
So much love, sadness and time
For something that would hardly cost a dime
Through joy and hardships there will always be
That little red bus that means so much to me
Red but small, eternal value
But being so small how can it mean so much
It's not about its colour or rarity,
It's about its touch
The detail, so specific, so fine
It makes me proud and pleased its mine
The choice of layers not one but two
Imagining everything, the wind, the view
Like nothing I've seen it drive
There is no word you can use to describe
So like a double decker bus we conclude
Memories so precious, memories, oh memories...