Tip tap, tip tap.
The keys of the typewriter impelled vigorously.
He tapped his foot steadily and watched as a whirl of letters spilled upon the page.
Each time his brittle fingers paused to think so did the beat.
Tip tap, tip tap
A synchronised symphony filling the air.
Tip tap, tip tap
An iridescent glow peers through the window.
He fought to keep his eyes wide.
This dream must not be forgotten.
Tip tap, tip tap.
A yawn broke out,
Whoosh; the story flung into the air.
He peered down at his writing,
A small grin perched on his face.
He rummaged through a jar and took a pin
The story perched on a board along with others alike.
Now only the tip tap of his shoes remained,
as he slowly paced back to bed.