Laughter coming from the window
Another day
Another night
Another job to be done

She’ll come soon
Touching my turquoise feathers as if I was the most important thing ever
She’ll stroke my violet ribbons with those knowing eyes
Knowing I’ll protect her from those terrible dreams

Sunlight poured out of the window
Red, orange, yellow and all the colours of the rainbow shone on my beads
The colours matched my ribbons
My fluorescent web of thread waiting for its next catch
The never ending circle of delicate ribbons swaying in the breeze
The sweet smell of grass wafting up the window

When will she come?
I already feel those those terrible dreams rushing towards me
I see her now
Coming towards me unaware of all the terrible dreams behind me
Her smile as sweet as ever

My job nearly done
She tucks into her bed
I let go and let sweet dreams flow
A smile beginning to form

My job now done
I rest knowing I've done a good job
Thoughts fading away slowly
There’s always time tomorrow