Dream, Dream, Dream
Soaking in Dreams
Dreams of Life, Dreams of Faith, and Dreams of Hope
You and I were there
My Teacher, My Friend, My Guide
Together we blurred from cloud to Cloud, Sky to Sky, Place to Place, World to World, Home to home
a long slender figure carefully delivering me from adventure to adventure
Adventure, Adventure, Adventure
Adventure though the fiery depths of the underworld, though the fearful darkness of the Janovian jungle, through the angry seas of Gamora
Through thick and thin we stuck together
My Teacher, My Friend, My Guide
You were Faster, Smarter, Older and Braver Than me
You grave me courage to do what was required
Orange and black dots protecting me where ever I went
Those four strong limbs and fearsome teeth ready to attack at any predators
Crimson eyes that may never lie
Those constant ragged scars showing the pain we have been though
You found me
Lost in the plains of Fear
At first we knew not friend or foe but we found our place together
Cat and child forever together
You were real you were my best friend
Only living in my dreams
Dream, Dream, Dream