You left your home by water,
because your home had neglected you,
and whilst you traveled across endless oceans for endless time,
you realised
water is safer than land,
then you arrived
exactly where you didn’t want to be. On land,
on a forlorn, barren beach. You waited,
waited for someone to come and find you,
what seemed like years
were only weeks,
you were gazed upon by the strange creature that had found you,
kind eyes glinting with hope and the future,
you came to us from a distant place.
For a while you were happy,
you were loved,
you had friends,
you eventually got rich.
Then it all ended,
you left as suddenly as you arrived,
you were taken away,
we see you sitting there just out of sight,
your quiet pleas unheard,
your voice eventually heard in a distant place.
They came one day,
they took you,
prodded you,
and eventually they let you go.
For a while you were broken separated from your other half,
then you were back,
we could see you, sitting there out of sight
with the glittering light from firelight,
but you longed for still
of times of old
and oceans still,
you search in vain,
for a place without pain,
a place to call home.