While you hear the waves crashing,

Somewhere else,

Humans are slashing,

The trees.

You may see opinions clashing, 

Drums bashing,

Or wombats dashing.

But the truth is there is an environmental,

Catastrophic struggle,

While the animals battle, 

For better rights for cattle,

While the people battle,

For non-chemically sprayed apples,

And the government silences our plea,

Unless the party name is… nothing,

Because the Earth is full of carbon-emitting machines,

That make the parliament many moneys,

While the entire country is giving a plea,

To stop chopping the trees, 

To stop selling plastics,

To give animals rights, 

To have the opportunity to use environmentally friendly lights,

The government must stop,

Do a flipsy-flop,

Take a skip, a jump, then a hop,

And then with their un-progress, mop.

So the government must be clean,

The government must be green,

It must stop making money from those machines,

And stop making it look like it’s something nobody has seen,

It must stop silencing our plee,

Stop not letting nature be,

Start planting trees,

Letting the Earth be,

Letting the bees see,

Listening to nature's pleas.