Waters from lakes watering down the on to the rocks as noisy miners
and rainbow lorikeets fly above the waterfalls and long lakes.
A little Eurasian duck waddling on the lake near land
while waiting for her mummy and daddy to come with food.
Waiting till evening, little Eurasian duck hurries out of the water
and into the nest as the water starts to get rough.
As it gets darker little Eurasian duck stays in the nest
hoping nothing bad happens.
Mum and dad Eurasian ducks come back quickly and safely
with dinner in their bills.
Baby Eurasian duck happily stands and waits to get fed,
behind a predator also wants dinner
and lurks behind the ducks as the ducks have dinner.
A crocodile naps its sharp jaw at baby Eurasian duck but missed.
Little Eurasian duck scurries with haste into the bushes but doesn't stop running,
mummy and daddy pushing her forward
the crocodile had crushed the nest and remaining eggs.