Life in the rainforest is quiet on the outside.

Life is simple and pleasant.

If you listen closer, it’s anything but.

The rainforest is alive.


The sun dances over the forest floor

clothing leaves and animals alike in warmth and light.

The rain, when it comes

replenishes everything and starts new life under the soil.


That new life grows over time,

it becomes giant trees that tower over the undergrowth.

That new life becomes beautiful flowers,

birds and bees come to investigate these new blooms.


Honeyeaters trill over the low hum of the cicadas.

The Tree-Kangaroo sleeps peacefully up in the canopy of the Eucalyptus trees.

Cassowaries stride over the leaves on the forest floor.

The Green-Tree Frogs croak warningly when the Brown-Tree Snake gets too close.


Everything in the rainforest has a rhythm.

Everything here works to get their fill.

Everything has a purpose and is connected.

Everything is alive.