Everything is peaceful
By Alice D
Published 29 August 2024
The shadows of leaves create shapes on the ground, leaves dance in the wind, shadows copy
The patterns are like magic on the lush green of the earth
As moss and vine climb up the trees the sounds of birds can be heard
The humming of the freeway
The slight croaking of frogs
The cold breeze
The warm sun
It’s peaceful, everything is peaceful
The trees tower over and up into the sky
Murnmut wind is soft and is blowing peacefully
More shadows are created from the sun shining bright
Murnmut wind is still blowing
Everything is peaceful
Banny water is flowing
The Murnmut wind keeps blowing
Plants grow in water
Fish fill water with life
Everything is peaceful
Written on Boonwurrung Country with language taught by Aunty Karen and permission to use.