The sacred sun stared down onto the warm woodlands, smiling.

The continuation of this calming moment came to a sudden stop, 

as the lethal land-clearing intruded the land. 


I quickly hid amongst the short but shy shrubs. 

The wind whistled as the heartless humans rummaged through the bushes, 

destroying what I had always called home. 

Being nocturnal, it was hard to escape the harsh conditions during day.

I watched as my land perished. 

What should I do? 

And how long will this continue for? 


The other wailing woylies around me scattered in all directions,

trying to find a nice and new fertile land. 

But travelling for miles will do no good.


Suddenly something caught my tiny eyes. 


Not heartless humans, but helpful humans. 

The leaves crinkle as I get picked up.

Knowing the woylies would be saved, 

My eyes gently closed shut as the kind human held me in his hands.