Hidden within the density of the trees

Is a place so special, where joy comes with ease.

A place full of fun, friendships and more,

But a place that now looks like nothing before.


In the midst of summer, when the land is dry,

What can you expect when the chance is so high?

When the heat's so draining you can no longer stand,

It's all expected but not what you planned.


It starts with a flicker but spreads like the flu.

It continues to grow 'til there's nothing you can do.

Wildlife flees in an urgent flight,

Abandoning their homes, leaving everything out of sight.


Flames paint the sky the darkest hue

As the roaring blaze effortlessly rips through.

Not a single tree is left still there;

All burnt to a crisp in the thick, smoky air.


Sleepless nights spent wanting to assist,

Stressing about a land that no longer exists.

How it all feels when everything is lost;

It's a pain that has an endless cost.