She stared into the big field of flowers with amazement, a quadrillion flowers in the field,

All bright and beautiful shone into to her big blue eyes, as she was very mesmerized,

She slowly pulled one out of the grass and admired the beauty of it,

She steadily bent down and picked another one up and put it up to her nose,

She smelt the fragrance through her nose, it tingled and woke her up, but she still runs and goes.

The sound of the ruffling flowers and zephyr in the field satisfied her soul,

The flowers soared through fields and fields and landed onto the pavement.

The little girl danced in an appealing white gown as the flowers were flowing in the winds.

It started to drizzle so she went underneath the tree and sat down,

The sprinkling rain drizzled down, as the tiny drops are trickling down her body,

She felt relieved and happy, and she didn’t think about anything besides being in the present.

She watched the flowers ruffle through the wind and the breeze went through her face,

She lay down on her stomach, and it started to get chilly,

Until it felt too cold the little girl had to leave.

The flowers danced like little ballerinas, and the grass is the stage.

Then another older girl got to the spot, as she sits under the boundless tree,

A small tear ran down her face, she felt glad and thankful as the cold breeze fluttered in her face.

She lay down and admired the beauty of the flowing flowers in the distance,

She got up and leaned towards a flower and felt the flower’s petals,

She shut her eyes and it was pitch black as she dozed to sleep.