Flowers In The Field Of The Future
By Angel A
Published 26 April 2022
Happy in the sunshine but lonely in the rain,
how do we know we’re just their ghost,
every flower in the dark will feel a rainbow
within their heart full of thoughts of the future.
The wind so slow slightly blows through the field,
find all the flowers for in your heart magical dust
will flow through your soul, life will be beautiful
in your heart and the soul will allow the beauty
throughout the world.
Tears flow through the body as if you were a cactus,
life in plants flows one by one, as stones break
happiness grows, for when the world is dull flowers
blossom and bloom.
Laughter and joy is what flowers bring,
but in the field of the future sorrow and fear
are to be born, when hearts are broken
flowers are joyful to all, when the world
is broken believe Mother Nature
will help all of us.