So, there it remains, on the bedside table
Unused, unloved, collecting dust and being forgotten
The colours fading from blue and black into white

Does no one see the value in this?
The value in two naïve and innocent children
Playing together, promising one another,
that they will stay friends for as long they live

While they play they continue to dare each other,
dare to see how long one can stay up for in this closet-like room
suffocated by the surrounding piles of energy drinks and 2-minute noodle packets

every time it is opened, it is as if
you are taken to unimaginable and breathtaking places
from the depths of space to the deep blue sea
only limited by the amount you are willing to spend

only the size of your hand
it can send you to many different places,
and just like a pair of scissors it can be used to make
something beautiful or to destroy something that could’ve been beautiful
