Global warming is one of mankind's biggest mistakes.
Some  people don’t even believe in global warming and climate change.
They think the government just made it up so people will stop doing things that they think are fine but they actually aren’t.
Some people don’t care about future generations and what the world will be like for them,
They just care about themselves and getting rich. 
Some people are just greedy and selfish.
I hope that you're better than these other people and care about the environment and global warming and climate change.
The Polar ice caps are already melting.
Imagine what they’ll be like in 20 years; they could be gone or nearly gone unless everyone does something about it.
By maybe walking to work and school or riding a bike.
When Covid's over or better you could even take the bus or go with a friend or someone you know.
I’m not saying you have to but what do you think is right.