Goliath of Blue Steel
By Bryce S
Published 6 August 2014
A goliath of blue steel and glass
A Building to reflect the reach of man
Woe to the man in progresses way.
Reaching for the heavens but still in the grasp of man
A church for the masses of the modern day
The height of a distant mountain
Yet not the tallest
As strong as the steel it’s made of
Yet not the strongest
Even this magnificent structure
Will be dwarfed by mans next creation.
The spirit of a man, determined to leave his mark
Building not just a tower but a place of beauty
Making an impact, to be felt forever.
The tower is the human spirit
Not being content to just be tall
But to break all earthly expectations
In time the tower will fall
But no time will fall
Mans domination of the sky.