The ocean,  

the ocean so undiscovered  

so amazing, 

and we still use it as our rubbish bin  

We’re scared,  

we’re scared of what happens behind the scenes, at the government knowing they’re making more machines to ruin the air and leave us hopeless when the ocean is full of disease. 

so breathe,  

breathe this atmosphere  

even though it's unfair we don’t know what they put in this “fresh air” 



look at what we’re about to lose,  

                                                                        the plants,  

                                                                                           the trees,  

                                                                                                            the seas

Do you really want this to despair?  

Everyone is well aware, but no one seems to care  

The end of sea life is near, 

the ocean is the only one who will stay

when we slowly decay.