Refreshing warmth surrounds me as I walk

Kind hands of clouds and wind lead me on adventures

Their sky so impeccable it goes unnoticed

Yet the delicate balance is held on by a thread


Angry tides of uncontrollable tears rush around me

Slippery hands of water and debris grab my ankles

They run through the land, taking everything in their path

The dangerous waves continuously knock me backwards


Harsh surges of unbearable heat abruptly hit my body

Scorching hands of flame and ash reach out to touch me

Their light radiates into my eyes and reflects onto my skin

I feel my lungs suffocate with the sharpness of their smoke


Never-ending parched plains crumble under my feet

Shrivelled hands of dirt and dust extend toward me for help

Desperate for hydration, they tremble with weakness

The silence of nature is deafening