I am Pluto the dwarf planet,
Icy and small, wrinkled and withered.
Always the outcast with an elliptical orbit,
I spend my days reminiscing of when I was a planet.

Demoted to a dwarf in 2006,
I look at the planets spinning around the sun.
For I will never be as great as I once was,
I dream of if I were to be a planet again

Will I ever be like Mercury, flying ‘round with speed,
Or Venus, shining with her gleaming beauty.
I wish to be like Earth with her nature,
Or like Mars, reddish, and fearless and ever.

Will I ever be like Jupiter, big and ruling the universe,
Or like Saturn, floating with his big, handsome rings.
I desire to be like Uranus, tilted and following his own rules,
Or as Neptune, radiating blue from his inner core.
But for now, I’ll have to stick with being me,
Maybe I’m not that bad, flowing and free.