I see the tiny ants scampering away from danger.
I hear the birds chirping away like their favourite song.
I feel the warm breeze brushing across my skin.
I smell the sweet nectar from all of the beautiful spring flowers

I can taste the sweetness from the fresh morning air
it’s almost going down to my heart and lungs

I love the fresh blades of grass circling around me 
everywhere like a shadow always following me around.
I look up at the sun almost blinding me.
I look up at the sky full of clouds that look like 
white cotton candy taking over the sky.
I see the rough bark covering the trees like fancy dresses
I am sorry, sorry for the dead leaves sitting there
like lifeless dead bodies.
I see the calm flow of the water circling around
the island like it is hypnotised to do it over and over again.
I hear the noise of the cars humming along the freeway like bees.