I used to believe it was easier to stay.
To stay quiet, and still, and not make a sound.
To stay in the dark, while the light shone on.
To silence my yearning heart, and quell my longing.

I used to believe I could not make a difference.
That if I were to speak out, my voice would be hushed.
That if I were to dance in the sun, a cloud would arise.
That if I were to love, my heart would burn out.

I used to believe that fear was inevitable.
It would control each breath my quaking mouth took.
It would prowl in the shadows, preying on light.
It would coat every smile, hiding behind each eye.

I no longer believe in all those deceptions.
To stay quiet was easier, yet more dangerous.
That if light is shining, it's meant to be enjoyed.
It is a gift that we have the freedom to believe.