If I died tomorrow I’d go see Mum, go have a bong
then go up to heaven to kick back with Nan & Pop
If I died tomorrow then you’d get into trouble
If I died tomorrow I’d ride out on a 125 and rip it up all day
on the highway RRREEEEp
If I died tomorrow I’d swim in the ocean
If I died tomorrow I’d cut to skyzone, do backflips in the air
If I died tomorrow I’d go to America and go to Venice Beach
– but I’d have to spend half the day on the plane
If I died tomorrow I’d get a rocket tied to myself, go skydiving
with no parachute into the Great Barrier Reef
then light a rocket on fire (it’s not rocket science!)
If I died tomorrow I’d be dead
If I died tomorrow I’d turn into a monkey
and swing with the monkeys all day
If I died tomorrow who’d feed my dog?
If I died tomorrow I’d go down the coast and do a hike
If I died tomorrow I’d kick back with the boys,
have as much fun as I can
If I died tomorrow I’d probably be in my school clothes
If I died tomorrow I’d be wearing my slides
If I died tomorrow I’d call people I’m fighting with
and make up with them
If I died tomorrow I’d kick back with my mates at Bondi Junction
If I died tomorrow I’d be in my bright pink bathrobe and slippers
If I died tomorrow I’d go
and pump the biggest dealer in the world
If I died tomorrow I’d play with kittens
If I died tomorrow the last person I’d want to see is my mum
If I died tomorrow I’d ride my 110 and probably crash it
If I died tomorrow I would die tomorrow
If I died tomorrow I’d try and have a yarn
with as many mates as possible
If I died tomorrow I’d spend time with my dad
riding motorbikes on the street; I’d go for a cruise
If I died tomorrow I’d just wait for it, honestly
If I died tomorrow I’d go to the nearest forest and chill
If I died tomorrow I’d go on a spending spree
If I died tomorrow I’d get back my eyesight
If I died tomorrow I’d never have to write poetry again
If I died tomorrow I’d prepare myself;
meditation and stuff like that
If I died tomorrow I’d stay up all night playing Xbox

until I died in my chair