Lightning dances as thunder sings, a flawless duet, to make my ears ring.

Arise the storm, angry above, my heart dives and flutters, a graceful dove.

No one around, for they have all fled, found a new home, a safer world, they said.

Intimidated, I begin to edge back, but beneath my paws forms a gargantuan crack.

What once were small drops, have transformed to large puddles.

What once was my home, now only shows muddles.

I no longer stand, protected by ice.

It was not meant to happen, was I not suffice?

My breath has died short, as has my fur.

I begin to get dizzy, the world is a blur.

I collapse to the ground, what is that I see?

My scared, stressed, hurt face, examining me.

Ghastly fumes take advantage, trying to win.

Possessing me, drowning me, luring me in.

The last thing I see are the truckloads of trash.

That were thrown on my land, for mountains of cash.

They don’t see me cry, they don’t hear my screams.

But why would they care if it's part of the schemes?

Global warming is here, we’re in for a ride.

My world and your world, soon to collide.