Trees tower above, the canopy ever so green
Tight together as if bound by a spell.
Tangled vines dangle from the luscious green canopy.
Above the canopy the sky awaits
Like the open blue sea.

Calm rivers flow through the forest.
Fish follow the currents
Seemingly untouched.
Fish of all colours
Fill the cold clear water
A school of fish, a swarm of boundless colours filling the stream with bright shades of emerald green and sapphire blue, cerise and mauve. A sea, of magnificent colours

Whilst in the sky birds fly high, 
Soaring above the canopy.
Others nest in the trees below eying the ground like a majestic eagle.
Waiting to strike.
Below fish swim unaware, not knowing what goes on above.

On occasion people come by.
Left in awe of where they stand.
Surrounded by vibrant colours and boundless life.