Sun beaming off water,
Dolphins leaping out in packs, 
Inhaling salt wafts. 

I peel back the overgrowth, 
Encasing the lime green walls. 
Were torrents streaming down and drizzling onto nearby rocks, 
Hidden within were many waterfalls. 

I hesitate before climbing up a nearby tree, 
Attempting to reach a better view. 
My hands clasp onto branches heaving myself up, 
A strong gust of wind made leaves unscrew.

Leaves collided with my face, 
Sending wafts of eucalypt up the channels of my nose. 
In the stump of the tree,
A cacophony of noises arose. 

A myriad of squeaks and grunts, 
Emerged from within this sacred place. 
The soft blend of feathers and dandelion, 
Is what made this tree something to never replace.