Opening her eyes to the world,
‘Souvenirs’ the sign screams,
Picked up by a passing tourist,
A treasured llama memento,
Cloth sat delicately on Rose’s woolly hair,
Pompom scarf wrapped tightly around her neck,
Trapped in a suitcase like items in a snow-globe,
Wrinkled and aged is the woman Rose’s taken by,
Placed on her bureau,
More furred creatures are there,
Some disappear as the woman’s taste changes,
Her taste never changes for Rose,
The woman worriedly tells her she might let go of the grass.
Suddenly she's gone,
Letting go of the grass,
She remembers how the woman held her,
How proud Rose had been to sit on her bureau,
A silent tear rolls down her cheek,
What will happen to Rose now?