23rd August
Purr!Went Kitty at the side of the bed.
Splash!Went Kitty as she swam in the pool.
Wow!Went Kitty at the coast of Costa Rica.
Yay!Went Kitty as she nugded her owner.
Cough!Went Kitty as she smelled a flower.
Yawn!Went Kitty as she tucked into to bed.
And that was a day for kitty power.
24th August Kitty
Yawn!Went Kitty as she got out of bed.
Lock!Went the Owner as he went to work.
Play!Went Kitty as she knocked down the vase.
Yay!Went Kitty as she jumped couch to couch.
Plop!Went Kitty as she knocked down the books.
Kitty!Went the owner as he saw the mess.
Done!Said Kitty as she finished her day.