Little Book Series
By Amelie J
Published 20 September 2016
A treasure full of love used to lighten hearts,
Stories passed on for generations and generations,
The pages are falling out but the words stay,
Desperately sliding the pages back in,
Now my book is together again.
Open the book and read it again,
The book becomes my heart and soul,
Artworks appear in such detail,
Lightning my mood everyday.
This book is my heart and soul
The pictures are my life,
The book is battered but the story lives on,
Pages are falling to the ground like petals,
I never get bored of the story.
Where there are no pictures the words paint one,
When I was sad I slowly opened the book,
To feel the joy of the characters,
I turn the page and
I am disappointed to find…
That the story has ended.